Tuesday 13 March 2007

Keeping warm on a Scottish morning: The moment we've all been waiting for...

Having got over people thinking I'm going to be a zoo-keeper (must be if I studied zoology...), I now get 'Oh, you're going to be a vet? You'll be sticking your hand up cow's backsides then? Eww!'. Actually, yes I will and I did. Not as bad as it seems: suited and booted in boilersuit, wellies, full length waterproof outfit (very attractive) and extra-long glove, we are kindly introduced to the back end of an un-suspecting cow. All in all, a suprisingly... err.. pleasant experience, (apart from the obvious stench, flying faecal material and backward glances from the cow,) which allowed us to get a wee look/feel into what we will find in the back of a normal cow (pelvic boney structures, female reproductive organs (I found an ovary!) and possibly touching on intestines, that is to name a few). Quite challenging at first, but practice makes perfect. I'm happy with it, but I'm not sure about the cow.