Sunday, 28 February 2010


I can't believe it but I've only got 2 blocks of rotaions left! I've passed all my monthly exams so far and got a really pleasing mark for my case presentation so I'm right on track.

We have a few study days this week so I'm at home and reading up for my next rotation: dentistry and opthalmology. I'm not that keen on dentistry really but I reckon once we get into it it could be really rewarding as a lot of owners don't really realise how bad their pet's teeth are as they often cope so well with dental disease. My cat has always had really bad teeth and only has about 5 left in her mouth (which makes playing with her a bit less painful sometimes if I get in the way of the toy mouse!). I think dentistry could be a big part of being a general practicioner so I'd better go and swot up.

Smile! (This is Troy, one of Beth & Danny's dogs)
As for the opthalmology, I think working in an optician's, even though it's humans, has helped me quite in a small way. I got to practice using the scope on my fellow unsuspecting colleagues and it's nice to try it on something/one that knows to sit still first!

Monday, 28 December 2009

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


As part of our final year mark, we have to complete a written and a verbal case presentation. This week I presented my case to the year: A dog that ate slug poison and subsequently had seizures.

This was a really interesting case because I hadn't taken much thought that substances may become an issue for us as vets. The dog had eaten slug pellets that had been put down and fenced off in her own garden. The bottle was marked as 'repellent to dogs' however she still thought it was a good idea to jump the fence and eat them. However, on the reverse of the packet the warning read 'harmful/toxic to pets, may kill' This was a good lesson for the manufacturers, owners and vets that initial warnings aren't always as they seem.

Thankfully, the dog in question has made a full recovery and I received a good 8 out of 10 for my presentation.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Two down and time for a wee break

It's 8 weeks into final year and I've completed 2 4 week rotations and end of rotation exams. It's all going very well, I passed all my weeks and the 2 larger exams at the end of each 4 weeks.

Now I have 5 weeks of externship to fill before beginning the farm animal rotation.

I will be doing a combination of small animal practice, mixed practice work and a wee trip down South, home to Tynemouth for a break, a comfy place to revise, some sea-side air and a hug or 2 from the cat. I can't wait!

The cat:

Friday, 9 October 2009

In the pink

One Saturady afternoon in Sunny Cullercoats, in order to raise funds for Breast Cancer Research UK, Newcastle Cloggies and a lot of people gathered to drink teas, eat biscuits and be entertained.

We all had a lovely time and a grand £548 was raised.
These are the bear biscuits I made:

Wednesday, 9 September 2009


A sunny afternoon allowed me to catch up with my mates, who are now in other, different rotation groups to me.

It was a lovely day in the pennines:

Sunday, 9 August 2009


Well, it's finally here... Final year of vet school. After 6 years of university, the end is finally in sight with my seventh and final year. The year consists of weekly rotations in 4 week blocks. We're actually staring with professional skills so it should be an interesting start :)