Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Ewe find anything yet?

Ever seen a sheep that looked like this? Well neither had I, until now. This is a virtual pregnant ewe-that is a bath tub type thing with a hole in, filled with warm water, a plastic bag with a lamb and a pelvis attached to put your hand through. Sounds a bit bizarre but unfortunately there's not enough conveniently timed, willing ewes giving birth for us to practice on. These contraptions gave us all a really good chance to appreciate how much space there is in the ewe and how difficult it might be if the lamb were in an abnormal presentation: not as easy as it looks! That is if you don't cheat and look over the top! (I'm watching you Beth... (The spiky haired one lambing the bath tub)).

It was a good afternoon of virtual problem solving, topped off by looking at the real thing: A ewe with a prolapse kindly gave birth to triplets, one in breech position, just as we walked into the shed. Then came the ins and outs of lambing-everything from carrying and moving the lambs to stomach tubing. Only a few weeks until the 2 weeks experience in March-Watch this space!

Sunday, 11 February 2007

Edinburgh Cat and Dog Home

An afternoon practical session had us heading for Edinburgh's cat and dog home. Row after row of unwanted or stray dogs had us all quite emotional. Most of the unwanted dogs were there because of 'snapping' or because of new arrivals in families, and the dog didn't fit in. There were fewer cats, again mostly strays.
After the tour, we had an hour's handling dogs and then an hour of the cats. After choosing an unsuspecting subject, each group assessed the breed and age of dog, lifted it onto the table, administered a 'tablet' (actually a rather more tasty doggy chocolate drop, and a liquid drug (water...) and applied a muzzle to the extraodinarily well behaved dog. The cats were not always as cooperative, typical moggy style.
All in all, it was an eye opening reminder of unwanted pets and a valuable handling experience.